Our pup Flynn LOVES sweet potato dog chews, and he gets one everyday after breakfast. He literally will jump, dance and bark if I forget to give him one.
We usually buy them from Chewy, but they can get pretty expensive at $9 a bag and for $9 I can buy a large bag of sweet potatoes from Shoprite. So we started making our own and I wish we did this a long time ago.

Here is the recipe: Thoroughly scub/wash sweet potatoes and pat them dry with paper towels. Slice them either into rounds or lengthwise for longer pieces - about 1/3" thick. Oven method: -Preheat oven to 250°F - Place sliced sweet potatoes on a cookie sheet and bake for 3-3.5 hours (depending on your oven) If you want cruchier chews, leave them in the oven for a little longer. Dehydrator method:
- Set your dehydrator to 90 degrees
- Cook the sweet potato slices for about 12 hours to achieve a nice chewy yet crisp sweet potato dog treat.
If your dogs enjoy a crisper treat, leave them in for 24 hours.